Monday, February 29, 2016

Chaotic,Grungy,Sad,Inspiring, Beautiful

Min-Ga-La-Ba from Mandalay,Myanmar

Twenty five years go I walked across the border from Northern Thailand into Burma. They had a tall wire fence around an area equivalent to the size of a tennis court. You got your passport stamped, could shop at the stalls, buy Burmese Marlboro's then turn around and walk back into Thailand. That was the extent of how much a regular traveller could see. It has been slowly opening up to tourism over the past decade. The doors opened a little wider in 2013.  The government still controls what you can see and where you can go.
Arrived at the Mandalay International Airport about 6:30 pm, just as it was getting dark. Interesting that in Thailand the monks on the flight got pre-boarding privileges and all sat in seats by themselves.  They rode the bus to the plane alone, when we got here they had to mix with the masses.
 Through customs and immigration, grabbed my bag and then the assault started. I met a women from Texas in the Chiang Mai airport lounge and we decided to share a cab into town as it is about a thirty five minute drive. We were hassled beyond belief - at one point we just said forget it and started walking towards the bus, finally we were able to negotiate a fair price and off we went. Seemed like a decent highway for the first 20 minutes then as we got closer to the city the road conditions deteriorated rapidly. I got dropped off first, the hotel had a hot facecloth and cold juice all ready! Got settled in and feel asleep.
This morning I was up early and out the door at 8 am. The noise, the dust, the dirt, the dogs, the people.....the place is ALIVE, a mass of humanity. All of lifes daily routine activities take place on the street - bathing included. Your senses come alive - the noise is constant. Horns honking, people talking, the "music" from the temple, dogs barking, furniture making, the music from the carts! My eyes could not keep up with everything that was happening around me, it is exhausting. I will let the pictures do the explaining. I had a few things that I wanted to see today, like all good plans you have to ad flexibility into the mix. My first goal was to walk over to the gold pounding area. Views from the hotel -

Mandalay Hill - behind the smog/smoke

Out and about :

When I left I walked through here with the traffic and the other people. When I came back three hours later it was closed to traffic and they were working on the inside.

Dirt/gravel road, not very busy yet!

Furniture making.
These kids were playing with stones and a beer bottle seeing who could throw the stones closest to the bottle. 

The women and men in Thailand cover there faces and here they have some sort of cream/paste on their faces to protect them from the sun.

This is a garbage wagon/cart and the baby is along for the ride,pretty sad.

Finally made it to the gold pounders - making gold leaf. Can't believe that it is all done by hand still .....

Local bus, fill it up then add ten more people!

Need to find out about the rank of the monks here.

Milk crates make great "tables" all around the world!

..and in the midst of it all lovely flowers

Dueling carts, the music just blares out of them and they troll the streets, not sure if they are selling lottery tickets or knock off CD's?

Birds getting a free meal.

Sidewalk, what is that - open ditch, uneven surface, potholes,puddles,betel juice spit...
I had just crossed through a busy intersection - no lights of course and was about to hop onto the sidewalk when the old guy waived and yelled. I realized it was wet cement just in time - went back and took his picture! Not my footprints!

Mandalay's equivalent to TImbits

construction zones are everywhere

Fish for dinner?

I walked back to my hotel and rested for an hour then headed back out to find some lunch. Nothing really looked that appealing and I happened across a grocery store --- so I bought some apples, oranges, bananas , a little bag of chips,.... I  felt the need to replace some potassium and salt so I had chips and bananas for lunch! That's my excuse and I am sticking to it! As I was in the grocery store I took a few pictures until the security lady went a little berserk on me! Like I am going to sell them to Loblaws or something???

Lays chips, Spicy Nori Seaweed, Extra BBQ, Chili Squid, Ridget?
These are all cashews! Looked like cooking ones, raw and unsalted.
After lunch I decided to walk to the Royal Palace - it looked a lot closer than it actually was. Foreigners have to enter through the furthest gate so I had to walk all the way around the moat to the furthest entrance! It is a city within a city and the housing in there looked like it had seen better days. The museum was closed!

Mandalay Hill this afternoon - beautiful!
Japanese plane from WW11 - most of the palace was destroyed and has been rebuilt.

 I was kind of disappointed in the Palace, it is in desperate need of repair and it seems the pigeons are now the regular inhabitants.

At this point it was about 3:30, I was hot, thirsty and had walked 8 miles . So, I grabbed a cab to the Shwe Nandaw Kyaung Monastery and the Atu Mashi Monastery.

Built in 1880 - the carving is just amazing!

Atu Mashi Monastery

Mandalay is amazing! I was going to go see the puppet show tonight but am too tired!

And have to wash my filthy feet! A little bit of a tan and a lot of dirt!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lucky to be getting out alive! IMHO! Exhibition of Agriculture.

I have nicknamed Sumana - Mario - as in  Andretti! Yesterday we went around a huge roundabout the wrong way and also went the wrong direction on the highway.  OH VEY! The traffic is an absolute horror show and I guess if you are not aggressive you get left behind but ..... a few pics of what the roads are like -

Not unusual to have the cab full of people sitting in the back - this is unusual cause there are only two of them. 

Yellow buses/songtaews are used for out of town runs!  The zip along at 80 - 100 km with people hanging on like this!

Motorcycle with sidecar and roof! Generally they are food carts on the move!

Cabbage truck

Two lanes but the one lane is being used for people, loading and unloading and carts!
We left early this morning to attend an exhibition of sorts. To me it was like the Royal Winter Fair, The Exhibition and Nascar all rolled into one.  It was held at Maejo University, the countries equivalent to U of Guelph.  Of course, it goes without saying that parking was a problem. We walked 8 km by the time all was said and done! Unfortunately, like a lot of things here it was pretty disorganized traffic wise. Ice trucks, motorcycles and cars kept the crowds on their toes as they whizzed down the aisles!

We cut through a student cafeteria to use the washroom and this lady was asleep on the job!

Candy store

25 cents for a bag of fresh fruit !

Chili plant for sale

Not sure but they were having fun! 
Jack fruit

There are over 100 varieties of bananas in Thailand.

Red Pomelo

Money ladder vine -- sea heart beans!

Tons of beautiful orchids for sale

Tools of the trade when you work in a tropical climate.

Take me to Canada!

Homemade chili paste - a busy stall!

15 different kinds of paste.

Fish stuffed with something - pass!

Coloured noodles

Coffee artist extraordinaire! Check out the video below.

The rice husking machine got a lot of attention.

Water lilies!

I saw this "performance" in Indonesia years ago but the guy there was doing it with a hot milk drink. Still impressive with cold coffee. Hope the video works!

Went out for my last dinner in Chiangmai tonight to friends of Sumana's and had Curried Squid - delicious. Although I must admit I am getting a little tired of rice.

Last sleep in Chiangmai ....heading out tomorrow!