Makha Bucha donations of money! |
The spiritual aims of the day are - to do only good, do not commit any sin and to purify ones mind. You do this by taking food and money to the temple. Then in the evening you walk around the temple three times.
We were late getting to the temple because of an accident- two motorcycles on the ground! Finally got there and you guessed it, there was no parking. So off we went in a fury, got about three km away and Sumana decided to go back and try again. Finally found parking and made it in - a little late but none the less, we made it.
The amount of food donated was unbelievable.
Setting up |
So much stuff! |
Not sure what is is but it's colourful! |
Never ending spread! |
Rice, rice and more rice! |
Just few more dishes! |
mini drinks |
Drinks in a bag- everything goes in a plastic bag and secured with an elastic. Absolutely no recycling!
Once the "sermon", for lack of a better word, was over all the people lined up to deliver envelopes of money and give more food for the monks. They crawled up on their knees the last ten meters or so.

Took quite a while to complete the donation part. |
Once everyone was finished lining up and giving their envelopes and food the monks went over to the kitchen area. The monks dressed in white held the senior monks bowls and they just kept on filling them. Some of the monks had plastic bags and walked through filling them. Once they were done the public was welcome to help themselves.
The most senior monk at Sumanas temple. |
Humm, going back for seconds! |
Just kept filling the bag with goodies! |
We went from here to the Lost Royal City Wiang Kum Kam. It was only discovered in 1984 and they figure that it dates back to 1296. It is spread out over several neighborhoods so we took a horse and carriage ride through the area.
This was only discovered ten years ago. |

We had done all this and it was only 2 o'clock so what to do but go for a two hour massage. I had the same lady as last week. I think she thought that perhaps she had limbered me up last week cause she tried her best to get my limbs to do things and go places they just don't go. So picture yourself lying on your stomach, ankles crossed and bent at the knees. Then have someone push your legs up towards the back of your head. NOPE! Anyhow, I do believe that I am now about 5ft 9 in tall cause my legs and neck were stretched and stretched some more! We returned home and went to Michelle and Tippys house for Monday dinner. They just returned last week from London and Toronto so had some amazing English Stilton and cheddar. Yummy, the first cheeses I have had in a few weeks, They then served duck, pork, rice, noodles, chinese fried vegetables,soup - all of which was good and then a huge platter of papaya, pineapple and oranges! We had to leave at 7:30 to make it back to the temple for the walk. Arrived in time to get parking - yeah. Sat in for the last part of the sermon and then the procession of about 300 people following the monks three times around the temple started. Pictures are not good but you get the idea.

Token white person, each time you walked around you made a wish. |
Some random pictures from the day.
1957 something? |
- no helmet but cool shades on the kid
Mr. Maxwell would not approve! All your eggs in a open truck sitting in the sun! |
Pup of the day!
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